Due to the recent high prices being achieved for livestock there is an increased need to protect your asset. In view of this, provision has been made to provide insurance cover on all livestock handled by my company.
Transit insurance will cover your livestock consignment/purchase from loading to the point of delivery i.e.: saleyards, abattoir, feedlot or property to property. The livestock are insured whilst in transport for death only, including smothering and slaughter for humane reasons caused by accidental or natural causes. The policy provides cover for stock carried by contract carriers and owner drivers. Please see policy wording for all terms, conditions, and exclusions.
The rate of insurance will be 40 cents per $100.00 based on the value of the livestock concerned, there is no excess on claims.
The limit that can be claimed on any one conveyance is $100,000.00 and a warranty will be required from the owner of the stock that they are in sound physical condition and are fit to travel.
This cover will be automatically provided to you on all consignments. If you do not wish to be covered please advise and I will remove this provision.
I believe this is a positive and cost effective way of protecting your assets and would be happy to discuss it further with you should you wish to.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Hall