Client Trading Details
Account Code:
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Trading as: _____________________________________________________________________
ABN: ______________________________________ GST Registered: Yes / No*
*If you do not hold an ABN, i.e. NOT GST registered, you are required by the ATO to complete & return to MHL & P a
“Statement by Supplier” form. MHL & P are able to provide you with this form. Failure to do so requires tax withheld of 46.5%.
Postal Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________ Fax: ____________________________________
Mobile: ______________________________ Email: __________________________________
PIC No: _______________________________
Do you require transit insurance? Yes / No
Preferred method to receive account sales/invoices: Post / Fax / Email
Preferred method of payment: Cheque / EFT
*Please note proceeds are paid 10 days from date of sale .
Bank details: (if payment is to be made by EFT)
Account Name: __________________________________________________________________
Bank: ___________________________________ Branch: _______________________________
BSB: ___________________________________ A/C No:______________________________
__________________________________ _________________________
Client Signature Date